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Return-to-Work Program for Swift and Safe Reentry

When medical restrictions keep an employee from returning to work after a work-related injury, we provide impactful and engaging alternatives

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What Is a Return-to-Work Program?

Return-to-work programs, sometimes called transitional work programs, provide medically appropriate light duty jobs for injured workers. These light duty jobs can be traditional onsite tasks or creative alternatives. As part of Westfield’s WesCare® offerings, our return-to-work program aims to promote healing and keep employees engaged. 

A man in a safety vest holds is back due to an injury at work.
Swift and Safe Returns

Why Are Return-To-Work Programs Important

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there’s only a 50% chance that an injured employee will return to work after a six-month absence. Therefore, getting your employees back to work as soon as possible is critical. But you want to make sure they’re medically ready. A well-managed return-to-work program can help you meet these goals.

Three people in yellow shirts participating in a return to work program for a non profit.
Sense of Purpose

WesWorks: Give Back, Go Back®

Return-to-work programs are not only a critical piece of managing your workers’ compensation claims, but they’re also important to your employee’s recovery. While your job site is the best option for accommodating work restrictions for your injured worker, it’s not always possible. That’s why we developed WesWorks.

WesWorks is an off-site transitional program that workers injured on the job can access until they’re ready to come back to work at your business. When light duty work options aren’t available or you’re unable to accommodate specific work restrictions, WesWorks offers placements with nonprofits. This helps give injured employees a sense of purpose and allows them to stay active while they heal.


Studies suggest there’s only a 50% chance that an employee injured on the job will return to work after a six-month absence. 

How Our Return-To-Work Program Works

Designed with the needs of both employees and employers in mind, our return-to-work program helps find opportunities for safe work tasks that can help injured employees rehabilitate. Here’s how it works:

  1. You report a workers’ compensation claim.
  2. Our claims team works with you and a medical provider to coordinate medical care for your employee. 
  3. When your employee is medically ready to start working again, we help develop a plan based on the employee’s restrictions given to them by a medical professional. The plan may involve on-site or off-site work, depending on needed accommodations.
  4. If necessary, Westfield coordinates a temporary placement at a nonprofit for your employee through the WesWorks program, and you pay wages for their transitional work.
  5. Once the employee is cleared by a medical provider to resume regular duties, or you’re able to accommodate their medical restrictions, your employee comes back to work at your place of business.

How Transitional Work Programs Benefit Employees

  • Lessens Financial Stress – Recovering employees will earn wages and continue to participate in your benefit programs. Additionally, their concerns about continued employment will likely be relieved.
  • Retains Skill Set – By avoiding a long, stagnant break from work, you can help keep your recovering employee’s skills sharp.
  • Keeps Connection – A shorter absence allows your recovering employee to avoid feeling isolated from their team. Plus, a successful return-to-work program shows that you care about your employee, which can strengthen their connection to the workplace.
  • Reduces Recovery Time – Reintegrating an injured employee to the workplace quickly and safely can help speed up the healing process while reducing the chances of stress, boredom, and depression.
  • Boosts Morale – The opportunity to be productive often gives the employee a sense of purpose and improves their self-esteem.

How Transitional Work Programs Benefit Employers

  • Reduces Costs – Workers’ compensation costs, including indemnity and medical benefits, can be reduced when employees return to work sooner rather than later. Additionally, the employee’s quick return can help save you the cost of training and compensating a temporary replacement.
  • Decreases Turnover – Many studies suggest the longer an employee remains at home, the less likely they are to return to work. Therefore, having a defined return-to-work policy can help you avoid turnover, as well as the time and expense associated with hiring and recruitment.
  • Maintains Productivity – Even with modified work tasks, an injured employee is a valuable contributor. And when an employee feels productive, supported, and appreciated, operational productivity is often maximized.
  • Boosts Team Morale – By bringing an injured employee back safely and quickly, you show that you care about your employees and their wellbeing, which can lead to higher employee engagement and increased morale. 
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Return-to-Work Program

Frequently Asked Questions

While Westfield will work with you to create a return-to-work program that meets the needs of your business and employees, there are lots of other pieces to consider. You’ll want to have a documented return-to-work policy in place, including the types of transitional work duties available for positions within your business. You’ll also want to train your employees, including management, on the importance of a return-to-work program. 

The benefits of returning an employee to work with modified tasks far outweigh the risk of reinjury. That’s because many studies suggest that the longer an employee stays at home, the less likely they are to return to work.

When managed correctly, return-to-work programs can be highly effective. According to ReEmployAbility, a successful return-to-work program can reduce medical costs by about 35% and lost workdays by 30%.