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Why Small Business Owners Need Insurance Agents

Woman in an apron working in a food store
At small businesses, resources are often not expansive enough to have an on-staff risk management team. As with many small companies, employing full-time specialists in loss control and claims management may be outside your scope at this point.

That’s why having a trusted small-business insurance agent is key. An agent offers many benefits, such as helping you determine what insurance is needed for a small business as well as assisting your company to avoid losses in the first place.

When looking for an insurance agent, consider these factors: 


Your team of trusted advisors is crucial to your success. Having an agent in your corner with proven experience managing small-business risks can make a huge difference when selecting the right types of insurance and dealing with loss control and insurance claims. Many business owners interface with their insurance agent on a regular basis so they get to know (and trust) each other quite well. Your agent can also provide resources you may access regarding risks and how to deal with them – most as a complimentary part of your relationship.

Local knowledge

There are plenty of local factors that affect your risk and insurance. For example, is your business office in a zone prone to flooding? What is the fire rating of your locale? Do you work across state lines and require insurance that meets multiple jurisdictional requirements? 

A local insurance agent already knows the answers to many questions about your operating area. They’re comfortable dealing with these kinds of location-based concerns because they’ve been working with other small business owners in your community with similar needs. 

More than a number

You want your banker, lawyer and insurance agent to look at you as more than just customer number 29,687. When you work with a local agent, you can build a relationship that goes beyond buying insurance. For example, your agent is someone you can turn to when a disaster strikes. You don’t need to enter your information five times to connect to a stranger at a huge insurance company; you can ask for assistance from someone you know personally and trust. 

An insurance agent sticks with you as you grow

As your business grows and changes, so will your insurance needs. An insurance agent will take the time to discuss your unique concerns. Think of the value in not having to guess what the next best insurance move is or navigate a complicated menu of offerings online! Your agent will become familiar with your business very quickly and be prepared to help you address the insurance implications of your situation, whether that is adding new vehicles, new equipment or a new office space during the policy term or making major changes that require revised coverage.

If you are new to business ownership or just want help assessing insurance options for your biggest risks, reach out to a Westfield agent today to help find the right insurance for your company. We specialize in small businesses, so let us help you build that trusted relationship that will aid in your success.