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Is your insurance as ready as you are?

Postcard with a dog looking out a car window and a welcome mat at a front door
Ahhh, the start of another year. The time of year when motivated people flood the gyms, smoking areas empty out as people strive to get healthier and salads and rice cakes are everyone’s favorite meals.
We love the concept of starting over/hitting the reset button and, plainly put, bettering ourselves for our New Year’s resolutions. But as we enjoy a fresh start, it’s also a reminder to us all that we should reflect and evaluate what has happened and what could happen. Every year, we review health insurance benefits for open enrollment season. But do you review your personal and business insurance policies? Insurance should never be a one-and-done type of thing.
The new year is a great time to ask yourself a few questions: What could go wrong over the course of this year? Are there things that could happen to my home, my car, my business? What has happened over the last 12 months and did my insurance meet my needs? Now is the time to review your policies and see what you’ve got. This will help you decide if you have the right kind of insurance and the right amount for the year ahead. A lot can change in a year and while we can’t always plan for the unexpected, you can be prepared. Use this checklist to help prepare questions for your agent.


Your Home

  • Did you renovate? It could have increased your home value so see if you should increase your coverages.
  • Did you make any high-value purchases such as a wedding ring, big screen TV or artwork? They should be added to your policy.
  • Update your home inventory with a current record of your belongings.
  • Did you purchase a swimming pool or trampoline? Make sure you have enough liability coverage.

Your Automobile

  • Are your coverage limits appropriate for your life situation? Liability is the part of your policy that pays for injuries or damage if you cause an accident. Make sure you are covered properly. 
  • Do you know your deductible should you get into an accident or something happens to your car? Is it set for the right amount for you? 
  • Have you had changes in driving habits? A shorter or longer commute due to a job change or office relocation?
  • Do you have new drivers this year?