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Nomination Process

Mother pulling tight the hoodie on child

Select a nonprofit that meets our objectives.


Nonprofits help businesses through

• low-interest loans 
• assistance accessing federal dollars
• mentoring business owners who are from underrepresented groups

Nonprofits help families with

• achieving educational goals
• understanding budgeting or bank products
• finding a more affordable place to call home 
• obtaining a better paying job
• navigating an unexpected event

Please note: Nominated nonprofit organizations or institutions must be located within a Westfield operating territory and recognized by the IRS as tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) and as a public charity under section 509(a)(1) or 509(a)(2) of the IRS Code. Organizations must have a valid employer identification number (EIN). Religious organizations or groups are eligible if donation is for a service, result or outcome that is for the benefit of the community at large, not religious in nature and has nondiscrimination policies (i.e. food pantries, soup kitchens, shelters, home building/repair or disaster recovery). The nonprofit’s portion of the application will verify the type of nonprofit. Westfield reserves the right to decline applications that are ineligible, do not align with the intent of the funds, or benefit an organization that represents a conflict of interest for the employees, the Foundation or the company.

Agency Steps

STEP 1: Gather the necessary information before you complete your nomination:

  • Identify a nonprofit that helps under-employed families overcome barriers
  • Nonprofit Name
  • Nonprofit contact person – name, email address and phone number
  • Coordinate with others in your agency. Be sure the person responsible for marketing in your agency is aware. A key goal of Legacy of Caring is bringing attention to the progress nonprofits are making in your community.

STEP 2: Complete the nomination form by following the link below

Nominations are limited to one per agency, regardless of the number of locations.


Nonprofit Steps


  • Once you complete the nomination form, an email will automatically be sent to the nonprofit to complete the application (contact will be made with nonprofits starting 2/5).
  • Nonprofit completes the application. The email will guide the nonprofit contact person to register and complete the application.
  • Nonprofit submits the form. After the nonprofit completes its portion, they will hit the “submit” button to formally submit the application.
  • Your agency will receive notification of submission. Once the nonprofit has completed their portion of the form, the nonprofit will receive an email confirmation of receipt. On a weekly basis, Westfield will notify agencies whose nonprofits have submitted their applications


Westfield Steps


Westfield’s community investment department will review all submissions and if approved, will award a donation starting at $3,500:

However, some nonprofits may receive a larger donation based on information provided in their application and availability of funds.

  • Enhanced donations may be given to nonprofits that demonstrate the following criteria in their application:
    • Addressing more than one of the major hurdles: education, finance, housing, and jobs
    • Serves clients who are more than 50% Black and/or Latinx [Demographics of the clients served]
    • Nonprofit’s top leadership is comprised of more than 50% People of Color 
    • Agency is engaged with the nonprofit


Begin your nomination 

Nomination Deadline:
March 8, 2024

Award decisions will be announced in April.

Award decisions will be announced in May.

Celebrate your nonprofit! We’ll email you a promotional media guidebook to help you share the news in your community

Questions? Email Westfield Community Investment Leader Gretchen Long

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can my agency participate if we received a grant last year?

A: Yes! Your agency may nominate again this year for a grant.

Q: Can my agency nominate the same nonprofit as last year?

A: Yes! You can nominate the same nonprofit again. However, funds are limited, therefore priority may be given to new nonprofits. Please note, the amount your nonprofit partner received in a previous year is no indication of the amount they will receive this year.

Q: Can the Westfield Legacy of Caring Fund be used to support fundraising events (i.e., golf foursomes, hole/tee sponsorships, 5Ks, dinners and auctions)?

A: No, this fund is not intended to supplement activities that are more advertising or networking in nature.



Exclusive Propel Benefit
As our premier agency partner, you share a legacy of caring with us; it’s an extension of the fundamental role insurance plays in stabilizing families, businesses and communities. Annually our Foundation donates more than $3 million, with 20 percent distributed in partnership with Propel agencies through the Legacy of Caring program.