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Bureau of Labor Statistics Job Growth Outlook Shifts Employer Focus to Mentoring New Workers

Man shaving while young son pretends to shave alongside him
Recent Bureau of Labor Statistics job growth reports predict employment in some skilled trades will expand twice as fast as the national average. From 2014 to 2024, electricians and HVAC mechanics and installers will see a 14 percent growth in the industry's workforce. This means that, after many lean years in the business, you're going to face a new dilemma: How to train all these rookies.

3 Quick Tips for On-the-Job Mentoring

1) Build Connections
Pair up every fresh face with an experienced employee who can share the tricks of the trade. Before you know it, they will be swapping war stories over a cup of joe.

2) Lead by Example
Just like a big brother, the more experience employee has a big influence on your rookies. That's why you must pick mentors who not only talk the talk but walk the walk.

3) Look For Teachable Moments
In the course of a workday, many moments arise that are ripe for job lessons. For example, an outlet rewiring is a good jumping-off point for a quick hands-on discussion about electrical safety.

Use these three tips to jump-start your on-the-job mentoring initiative. It will come in handy if the Bureau of Labor Statistics job growth projections hold water.