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3 Data Security Facts That Should Wake Up Any Small-Business Owner

Woman working on a laptop computer with an external hard drive attached
Think hackers only target large corporations? Think again: 43 percent of cyberattacks target small businesses.

Small-Business Cyberattacks Cost A Fortune

The average cost of recovering data after a small-business data breach is $36,000. Not to mention the damage to your reputation for losing confidential customer information.

It's no wonder 60 percent of small companies hit by a cyberattack go out of business within six months.

Small Businesses Are Not Prepared

Only 14 percent of small-business owners rate their data security as excellent. More than half are not spending any of their budget on preventing cyberattacks.

Cyberattacks Are Preventable

48 percent of small-business owners who suffered a data breach said negligent employees and contractors were a root cause of the problem. 35 percent said the breach was caused by an error in the system or operating process.

By training your employees in proper data security practices, patching your system with the latest updates, and installing anti-virus and anti-malware software on all devices, you can prevent cyberattacks and avoid becoming another small-business statistic.